• Risky Business

    Risky Business

    What could possibly go wrong? You have your visions, plans, roadmaps and a great programme board backed up with lots of exhilarating dialogue. The risks have been ROAMed and everything is under control. In the words of Captain Picard “Make it So”. And so you begin. I go back now to past experiences with risk…

  • Thoughts on Estimation

    Thoughts on Estimation

    Is estimation a waste of time as a number of posts and discussions would have us believe? Or is estimation a core need because otherwise how can we explore or plan? Is there more to this? Let’s investigate. First a little research into #noestimates yields the following bullet points Looking at an intro, an excellent…

  • Agile Values and continuous flow

    Agile Values and continuous flow

    I was asked recently “How do I summarise the Agile Values as defined in the manifesto?” My feeling about this and why do we have these values is because software is about people, not things. It is about We, not ME. For example We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and…

  • Citizenship

    I have recently read the book by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde: Large Scale Scrum: More with LeSS The book is an excellent source for ideas and stories, however the idea that teams are empowered to rejected group decisions because a team has full autonomy should be examined. For example if two teams are working…

  • Shifting Right

    We have all heard about the technique of Shift Left, where test activity is brought to the earlier stages of the life cycle. This is a great way to improve product development as it moves testing activities to the left, which removes ambiguity from the development team. This is enhanced with activities such as TDD,…

  • Join The Dots

    Joining the dots up is a way to suggest that everything is connected. For example the simplest model we can draw is. But the reality is more like this: Warning, this is a simplified view! The reality is that in both cases the most important measurements are the simple ones that apply to figure 1.…

  • Architecture or Design

    What is design and what is architecture. There are often discussions about this, so I will put my views out there. Architecture is the technical infrastructure used to deliver value to customers. It is a combination of hardware and software, and to many in the cloud world the hardware is a given. Consider that we…

  • Incremental Design

    This is the title of a series of articles I have been putting together. The subject is interesting to me for a number of reasons. Design is a subject I have been working on for some 40 years. Moving to an agile way of working has been challenging for many people, especially those who are…

  • Agile and Incremental Design: Part VI

    Map Software to A3 The A3 website states that there are a number of steps to an A3. These are The C programmers will appreciate the starting count. An Example Ok so all that may or may not sound good. So let’s take an example and see how the pieces fit together We are working…

  • Agile and Incremental Design: Part V

    How should we document design So how do these conversations get recorded? We need something that is lightweight, easy to use, collaborative and already available. Here we can reach out to the A3 approach used within other lean approaches. One resource for A3 thinking provides a simple description and approach to this technique. But this…